Here are a few of the projects Sixteen Forty Six has produced. Our services include scripting, filming, and editing.

Nick for Tyler – A local city council candidate reached out and wanted to showcase the city he loves while inspiring his potential constituents with the hopes and dreams of his press release.

WorkHub Ads – WorkHub wanted to highlight their space as an event venue and their service as a networking opportunity. Our projects created just that for them – we scripted these filmed these videos.

King’s Academy Christian School – We had the privilege of working with King’s Academy Christian School and the Gentry family, to tell their story and how KACS is strengthening their family relationships and accelerating their children’s education. We also created an overview for their school.

Cazares in Spain – Arnie and Jenna are ministers who have felt called to take the gospel to Spain. Sixteen Forty Six created this video, their logo, and helped clarify their message.

Announcement Sample – As part of our video services, we offer weekly video announcements. This is a sample of what you would receive every week.

The BAR Podcast – Dawain and The BAR were a pleasure to work with! We were able to script and produce this video before relocating back to Texas.